Shashikant shah

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Kubernetes cluster Components .

 1.Kubernetes cluster Components.

Control Plane Components (Master Node) :-
i)                    kube-apiserver
ii)                  etcd
iii)                kube-scheduler
iv)                kube-controller-manager
v)                  cloud-controller-manager  (optional):
            vi)         Kubelet (Manage static pods like kube-apiserver, kube-controller, kube-scheduler, etcd )

Components Worker Node :-
i)                    kubelet
ii)                  kube-proxy
iii)                Container Runtime
iv)                Optional: CNI Plugins (Container Network Interface):

ON Master Node :-

How many pods are running on k8s cluster.

How many pods are running on worker side.

1.Kube API Server :-

i) Kube-API-Server interacts with API, Its a frontend of the kubernetes control plane. API for almost every operation User interact with these API using a tool call Kubectl or UI through a dashboard.

ii) The Kubernetes API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of HTTP endpoints that allow you to interact with a Kubernetes cluster.

iii) The kube API serves as the communication interface between different components of Kubernetes and enables users to control and manage various aspects of the cluster.

iv) All operations (create, update, delete) are submitted to the API server, and it validates and processes them.

2.ETCD (etcd distributed key-value store):-

etcd is a simple distribute key value store. Kubernetes uses etcd as its database to store all cluster data's. Some of the data stored in etcd is job scheduling information, pods, state information and etc.

etcd is consistent and high-available store.

Fully replicated :- The entire state is available on every node in the cluster.

Secure :- Implements automatic TLS with optional client certificate authentication.

Fast :-  Benchmarked at 10,000 writes per sec.

3. kube-scheduler :-

Scheduler watches the pods and assigns the pods to run on specific hosts.

4.kube-controller-manager :-

1) Node controller - Its responsible for noticing and responding when nodes go down.

2) Replication controllers - It maintains the number of pods. It controls how many identical copies of a pod should be running somewhere on the cluster.

3) Endpoint controllers joins services and pods together.

4) Token controllers - Services account and Token controllers handles access managements.

5) ReplicaSet controllers ensure number of replication of pods running at all time.

6) Deployment controller provides declarative updates for pods and replicasets.

7) Daemonsets controller ensure all nodes run a copy of specific pods.

8) Jobs controller is the supervisor process for pods carrying out batch jobs Services allow the communication.




9) PV controller is responsible for managing Persistent Volumes within a cluster.  (optional):

The cloud-controller-manager is a component in Kubernetes that allows cloud providers to integrate their services with a Kubernetes cluster. It provides a separation of concerns between cloud-specific operations and core Kubernetes functionality, making it easier to maintain and extend Kubernetes for different cloud environments.

6.Kubelet :-

Kubelet is the primary node agent runs on each nodes and reads the container manifests which ensures that containers are running and healthy.

7.Kube-proxy :-

Kube-proxy is a process helps us to have network proxy and loadbalancer for the services in a single worker node. It performs network routing for tcp and udp packets, and performs connection folding. Worker nodes can be exposed to internet via kubeproxy.

Pods workflow :-

1.       User request to Kube-Api-Server.

2.       kube-API-Server first creates a pod according to the memory and CPU requirements, only the container remains to be created.

3.       Kube-Scheduler checks the pod's resources, then the kube-scheduler decides the correct node.

4.       The kube-schedule sends requests to the kubelet to schedule pods.

5.       Kubelet makes a request to Docker then the container is created in Pods.

6.       kubelet sends pods status request to kube-api-server.

7.       kube-api-server communicates to ETCD DB and stores pod information in ETCD DB.

Kubectl :-

  •  Kubectl is a command line configuration tool (CLI) for Kubernetes used to interact with master node of kubernetes. Kubectl has a config file called kubeconfig, this file has the information about server and authentication information to access the API Server.

Objects can be managed in three ways with Kubectl tools.        

i) Imperative Commands.
ii) Imperative Object Configuration.
iii) Declarative Object Configuration.

i) Imperative Commands :- Kubernetes objects can quickly be created, updated, and deleted directly using imperative commands built into the kubectl command-line tool.

ii) Imperative Object Configuration :- In this approach, we operate directly on live objects in a cluster using kubectl CLI as arguments or flags.

For example :
If the command creates objects via CLI or yaml files.
If you then make changes to the firstpod.yaml file and run the kubectl create -f firstpod.yaml command again, there will be no changes. If you want to change anything, you have to do it using the edit command.

 # kubectl edit  <podname>

Generate POD Manifest YAML file (-o yaml). Don't create it(--dry-run)

# kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml


·    Commands are simple, easy to learn and remember.

·    Commands require only a single step to make changes to the cluster.


·   Commands cannot be committed to source control system and difficult to review.

·   Commands do not provide an audit trail associated with changes.

·  Commands do not provide a template for creating new objects.

iii) Declarative Object Configuration :- In this approach, we create YAML or JSON files for creating, updating, or deleting Kubernetes objects in a cluster using kubectl apply command. There is no need to change each object individually through commands. Change will happen without disturbance. If you create a yaml manifest file and use the apply command, the object will be created. If you make changes in the firstpod.yaml file and run it again command

 For example :-

# kubectl  apply  -f  firstpod.yaml

# kubectl create -f <filename|url>: # used for creating an object from a specified file

# kubectl replace -f <filename|url>: # used for updating a live object from a specified file

# kubectl delete -f <filename|url>: # used for deleting an object from a specified file

# kubectl get -f <filename|url> -o yaml: # used for viewing info about an object from a specified file

# kubectl apply -f <filename|url> : # used for creating/Updating an object from a specified file

# kubectl apply -f <directory> : # used for creating/Updating all objects specified in the directory


·                Object configurations can be stored in a source control system for reviewing changes before push.

·                Object configuration provides a template for creating new objects.


·                Object configuration requires basic understanding of the object schema.

·                Object configuration requires the additional step of writing a YAML file.

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