Shashikant shah

Monday 4 January 2021

AWS Storage services .


Many type of storage in AWS.

1.EBS    block -  Elastic block storage.

·       Block Storage divides the data to be stored in evenly sized blocks (data chunk) for instance.

·       Metadata :- store data details  like created , data modified, Content type etc.

·       Index :- index store block details.

·       EBS is a persistent data.

·       Network attached Virtual drive.

·       Limit size 16 TB.


·       It is a general-purpose storage.

·       It supports up to 4000 IOPS which is quite very high.

  • SSD storage is very high performing, but it is quite expensive as compared to HDD (Hard Disk Drive) storage.


  • The size of the HDD based storage could be between 1 GB to 1TB.
  • It can support up to 100 IOPS which is very low.
2.Ephemeral/Instance store backed ec2.
  Physical storage with ec2 instances.
Very fast read/write data.
Limited to 10 GB per devices.
Non- persistent storage , if Stop and terminated instance and data loss.

3. S3 bucket-

·       Simple storage service, It is for object level storge. Anywhere to access though the internet.

  • It is Object-based storage, i.e., you can store the images, word files, pdf files, etc.

·       S3 bucket name is global unique ID create.

·        at a time maximum object size (files) 5TB transfer in s3 Bucket.

        (multipart) Part size :- 5 MB to 5 GB

TB per account limit of bucket 100.

·       S3 bucket chargeable - retrieve data and store data.

·       Sub- resources for s3 bucket

1.Lifecycle :- To decide on objects lifecycle management. Move data s3 to glacier. :- static website hosting on s3 bucket.

3.versoing :- version controlling.

4.ACL :- access control list policies.

·       Storage Classes of s3 .

1.s3-standard.  Default s3 bucket.

2.standard-IA (Infrequent Access). retrieve data charges.

3.One-Zone-IA :- one copy data in zone.

4.Intelligent Tiering :- automatically moving from s3 bucket to glacier.

5.Glacier Deep Archive. :- very cheapest. Long term storage. retrieve data charges

6.Glacier :- cheapest. Long term storage. retrieve data charges

MFA  delete :- Multi factor authentication use for  approved authentication then delete data from s3 bucket.   

 Multipart :- Break data and upload in s3 bucket. 

Object lock :- Anyone  not able to delete data from s3 bucket.


·       S3 Glacier is a low cost, secure durable storage service that can be used to store long term data esp. data for backup or archival.

·       Glacier data repository is know as a “vault”.

·       Retrieving data from Glacier is slow and time consuming and typically takes about 3-5 hours.

·       Glacier offers a 10 GB retrieval free tier.

·       Access Glacier use command or  third party software of window “Fast Glacier”.

·       Create a Vault

# aws glacier create-vault  --vault-name shashi_glacier  --account-id –


# aws glacier upload-archive --account-id --vault-name shashi_glacier  --body one.txt 


5.Snoball –

·       Aws snowball is a service that accelerates transferring large amounts of data into and out of aws using physical storage applications, bypassing the internet.

·       With snowball you can transfer hundreds of terabytes or petabytes of data between your on-premises data centers and Amazon simple Storage service (amazon s3).


6.Snowmobile –


·       It was announced in re: invent 2016.

·       A Snowmobile is an exabyte-scale data transfer service.

·       It can transfer large amounts of data in and out of AWS.

·       You can transfer 100 PB per Snowmobile, a 45-foot long ruggedized shipping container, pulled by a semi-trailer truck.

·       Snowmobile allows you to move massive volumes of data to the cloud, including video libraries, image repositories or even a complete migration of data center.

·       Transferring data with Snowmobile is secure, fast and cost-effective.


7.EFS – Elastic File system.

·       Managed NFS (Network file system) that can be mounted on many EC2.

·       Highly available, scalable, expensive (3x gp2), pau per use.

·       EFS only use to Linux server.

·       EFS scale 1000s of concurrent NFS Clients, 10 GB+ /s throughput.

·       EFS limit storage 47.9 TiB gateway

·       Storage Gateway is a service in AWS that connects an on-premises software appliance with the cloud-based storage to provide secure integration between an organization's on-premises IT environment and AWS storage infrastructure.

  • Storage Gateway is a virtual appliance which is installed in a hypervisor running in a Data center used to replicate the information to the AWS particularly S3.
  • Amazon Storage Gateway's virtual appliance is available for download as a virtual machine (VM) image which you can install on a host in your data center.
  • Storage Gateway supports either Vmware EXI or Microsoft Hyper-V.
  • Once you have installed the storage gateway, link it with your AWS account through the activation process, and then you can use the AWS Management Console to create the storage gateway option.

There are three types of Storage Gateways:



  • File Gateway (NFS)
  • Volume Gateway (iSCSI)
  • Tape Gateway (VTL)

DataSync :- 

AWS DataSync is an online data transfer service that simplifies, automates, and accelerates moving data between on-premises storage systems and AWS storage services, and also between AWS storage services.

Data copy from s3 bucket to EFS .

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